Campus Policies
- Academic Honor Code
- ID Policy
- Cell Phone Policy
- Grooming Policy/Dress Code
- Tardy Policy
- Student Parking
- Grading Periods
- Senior Exam Exemptions
Academic Honor Code
Statement of Philosophy
Creekview High School is a community based on honesty, integrity, mutual respect and responsibility. The Honor Code commits the students to maintain a quality of community life from which all members can benefit.
Mission Statement
The mission of Creekview High School is to inspire a creative, challenging, and caring community in which all students will graduate within four years prepared to pursue post-secondary education and become productive citizens.
Statement of the Honor Code
Creekview High School defines the following as the violation of the truth:
Lying: Making a false statement and/or avoiding acknowledging the truth with the intent to deceive concerning academic performance
Cheating: Any act of deception attempting to gain an unfair advantage, including, but not limited to, representing another’s work as one’s own or aiding another student
Stealing: To take something that is not yours.
Copying: The direct use of another student’s work to complete a test or assignment or to allow another student the use of your own work for that purpose.
Plagiarism: The use of others’ ideas or expressions in your writing without acknowledging the source.
- A faculty member who suspects that a violation of the Honor Code has been committed is required to report this possibility to the appropriate school administrator.
- The administrator will take disciplinary action if the student admits to violating the code or will refer the student to the Honor Council if there is no admission to the violation of the Honor Code.
- Through a hearing, the Honor Council determines whether there was a Honor Code infraction, then determines the appropriate disciplinary action to be implemented by the administration.
The Creekview High School Academic Honor Code supports the following CFBISD character values listed in the Character Education Curriculum:
- Make positive choices
- Accept consequences for choices
- Apply self-discipline
- Obey rules
- Determine right from wrong
- Refuse to lie, cheat, steal or misrepresent
- Stand up for what is right
Academic Dishonesty
Academic Dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or other supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from students. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to disciplinary and/or academic penalties. The Honor Code Committee shall determine such action.
ID Policy
Students will wear a school issued ID on a lanyard around the neck or appropriately clipped to their clothing above the waist at all times during the school day.
Students will receive their school issued ID and lanyard during the first week of school in their advisory class.
Students will get two free IDs each year, or one each semester. If a student loses an ID they will have to pay a $5 administrative fee to get a new ID.
If they cannot pay the fee at that time, they will get the ID, but will be placed on the Campus Unclear List in order to pay that fee.
Students must have an official School ID to participate/attend in the following campus activities:
Fine Arts or Sporting Events
Dances or other after school functions
Off-campus lunch — Seniors Only
Cell Phone Policy
Creekview High School is part of the “One to One” initiative with technology. All students are issued a Chromebook in our district. Because of that, cell phones should be put away, out of sight, during class.
Teachers have the right to allow students to use their personal devices when necessary.
Students will be able to use their cell phones at Creekview High School during the following times:
- In the morning from 8:10 AM – 8:40 AM
- During passing periods throughout the day
- When directed by teachers for instructional purposes
- During their lunch time
- After 4:00 PM when the school day is over.
Consequences for failure to follow the Cell Phone policy:
- The first offense, the student will surrender the phone to the teacher. The student’s phones will be taken to Student Services and can be retrieved at the end of the day without charge
- Additional offenses for failure to follow the cell phone policy will result in the student having to pay a $15 fee to get their phone.
- Students who refuse to turn over their cell phones will face further disciplinary consequences from their grade level principal
Grooming Policy/Dress Code
CFBISD Standardized Dress Code
Principal is the Final Authority
The Board delegates to the principal the authority to make final determinations as to whether clothing or grooming is or is not within this policy. The ruling of the building principal regarding compliance or non-compliance with the Dress & Grooming Policy and corresponding consequences assigned for violation of this policy is final, and may not be appealed to the Superintendent, his/her designee, or the Board.
Parent and Student Responsibility
The parent and student shall be responsible for ensuring that the student is in compliance with all aspects of this policy during the time the student is on school premises during regular school hours or at any after school function. Items worn in violation of this policy may be taken up by a school official and returned according to campus policy.
Failure by the student to correct dress or grooming violations at first request is considered insubordination and may result in disciplinary action.
Policy Enforcement
It is the responsibility of all professional personnel to administer dress and grooming guidelines. Judgment, with consistent, fair and equitable enforcement of standards, while protecting the dignity of individual students, shall be practiced.
Students shall not wear any clothing that, in the principal’s judgment, is startling, unusual, disruptive, immodest, and/or brings undue attention to the student. Students shall not wear any item that is lewd, offensive, vulgar, obscene, or depicts nudity, violence, drugs or alcoholic beverages.
Clothes that raise questions as to whether the clothing item is within the policy may be prohibited.
Students’ dress and grooming should be modest, decent, not distract other students and/or staff and should contribute to a safe, positive learning environment.
This policy does not prohibit principals from allowing extracurricular group uniforms to be worn on days of special celebrations which involve unusual dress such as “crazy hat day or” 50’s day.
Tardy Policy
- Students are to be on time to classes each day.
- Tardy incidents are monitored on a weekly basis.
- Any student with more than 3 tardy incidents in 1 week will have a discipline consequence.
- Discipline consequences will escalate if excessive tardy continue.
- Periodic Tardy Sweeps may be held with immediate consequences
Student Parking
Parking Stickers
Stickers are sold before & after school AND during lunches.
See Mrs. Warren in the back of Student Services
You will need to bring:
- A Valid Driver’s License
- Proof of Current Car Insurance
- Parking sticker price is $40. This is permission to park, not paint, and no reserved spot.
- Cash or Check to Creekview High School (please write Parent’s DL# on check)
You MUST purchase a parking sticker in order to park a vehicle on campus.
Reserved/Painted Parking Space - 2024-2025 Parking Packet
- If you want to paint your parking space, the cost is $80. This cost INCLUDES the parking sticker.
- Check you class Google Classroom announcements or check social media posts by @CreekviewLeads on Facebook and Instagram for updates.
- Still see Mrs. Warren in Student Services for your sticker.
Grading Periods
Senior Exam Exemptions
Exemptions for Seniors Only-list of students eligible by attendance will be sent to teachers. Teachers will verify the grade requirements are met.
- Better than ninety (90) percent attendance in all classes, all year. This means that a student may never have attended after school make up (MAB) in the fall or spring semester and be eligible for exam exemption.
- AND...
- No more than two (2) or three (3) absences with at least a ninety (90) percent average in the class requesting exemption from the final exam. OR
- No more than one (1) absence with at least an eighty-five (85) percent average in the class requesting exemption from the final exam.