Inside Creekview AVID Elective


Inside the Creekview AVID Elective

AVID is an elective class each year of high school serving approximately 11% of the school population. AVID students take a course of rigor each year of high school (dual-credit, OnRamps, AP, or honors courses). It is our goal for 100% of all graduating AVID seniors to have either completed a dual-credit/OnRamps course OR completed an AP class with a corresponding AP exam second semester. 

Expectations of Students in the AVID Elective:

  • AVID students are supported through organization tactics and all AVID students are expected to have and maintain an organization system and a planner. 

  • Students are taught various note-taking strategies and the process by which students utilize those notes. Students will be asked to take Focused notes in their classes and will be graded throughout the year in the AVID elective.

  • Each Tuesday and Thursday, hired college-aged tutors work within the AVID elective class in the tutorial process. This is a small group of students with like classes discuss and receive support over coursework they struggle with. It is a Socratic, collaborative style of tutoring led by inquiry and discussion.

  • Community Service hours are a requirement for all students based on their grade level. These hours will be checked each nine weeks. Students are encouraged to complete community service hours on and off campus.

  • AVID students take a minimum of 1 field trip to a college each year and will have opportunities to take more based on good standing with grades, conduct, and attendance.

  • AVID students are provided opportunities for SAT, ACT, TSI, and PSAT test prep through the elective class and other out-of-class opportunities.

  • We believe collaboration and relationship building is one important key to success. We believe in getting to know each other and working together toward a common goal. 

AVID in CFB is preparing students for the future. THIS VIDEO WILL SHOW YOU HOW!