Clubs & Organizations

Mustang Club Sponsor(s)/Description Room Number
Senior Exec - Class of 2025

Ms. Robertson, Ms. Kay, and Mrs. Nelson

The purpose of this organization is to support the Class of 2025 by providing opportunities for leadership and involvement in school events. Elected board members will run meetings to support community service and fund-raising efforts for senior year activities. Every senior is encouraged and invited to attend the meetings which are announced during Advisory.

E364, E264
Junior Exec - Class of 2026

Ms. Amber Smith, Mr. Benchot, Ms. Dove

The purpose of this organization is to support the Class of 2026 by providing opportunities for leadership and involvement in school events. Elected board members will run meetings to support community service and fund-raising efforts for senior year activities. Every junior is encouraged and invited to attend the meetings. 

Sophomore Exec - Class of 2027

Mrs. Binion, Mrs. Kidney

The purpose of this organization is to support the Class of 2027 by providing opportunities for leadership and involvement in school events. Elected board members will run meetings to support community service and fund-raising efforts for senior year activities. Every sophomore is encouraged and invited to attend the meetings which are announced during Advisory.

Freshman Exec - Class of 2028

Sponsors TBA

The purpose of this organization is to support the Class of 2028 by providing opportunities for leadership and involvement in school events. Elected board members will run meetings to support community service and fund-raising efforts for senior year activities. Every freshman is encouraged and invited to attend the meetings which are announced during Advisory.

Art Club Mr. Carroll and Mrs. Sommerman
Art Club meets in C141 after school on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Students do NOT need to be in art class to participate in art club. Activites in art club include: exploring art techniques, making murals, helping with musical and fund raising for senior scholarships. The ultimate goal of art club is to become aware of the art around us and have fun doing it. Art Club is where it's at!
Astronomy Club Ms. Robertson
Meetings on Thursday Afternoons from 3:45-4:30.
If you think space and the suff NASA is getting up to are pretty cool, come hang out with teh Astronomy Club! This is a club for anyone curious about the universe. Have a question about something you read or saw in a movie? I would love to chat about or ponder your idea with you. You do not need to take Astronomy to be a member, all are welcome!
AVID Club Mrs. Johnson
AVID Club is an organization specifically for AVID students to organize and participate in volunteer opportunities, service projects, and social activities outside of the AVID classroom. This club allows students to expand their AVID family beyond their grade level and build their resume with extra opportunities to make a difference in the community. Meetings are held every other Thursday afternoon from 3:45-4:30 in room C300 (Johnson).
BSU (Black Student Union)

Mrs. Amber Smith, Rae Cain

Mission Statement: BSU mission is to educate, uplift, support, and empower all students about the African American community at Creekview Highschool. Short mission Statement: Brining CULTURE to CHS. Meeting Details: Every 3rd Wednesday in Room E300

Chess Club

Mrs. Campos

Join the chess club to experience entertainment, chess education, and knowledge about the chess world! Meets every Tuesday and Wednesday after school from 4:00-4:45 in room E350!


CSI Club (Crime Scene Investigators)

Ms. Isaac and Ms. Tapay

The purpose of this organization is to provide an opportunity for students interested in Forensic Science and Crime Scene Investigation to come together and share their common interests. If you're interested in Sherlock Holmes, Forensic Files, and other murder mysteries, feel at home with us. We host the Annual CSI Saturday in the Fall, participate in the Homecoming Parade, and attend the Forensic Science Competitions and CSI Competitions in the Spring.

Enrollment in Crime Scene Investigations or Forensic Science is not required for membership, just a love for CSI.  Meetings are Mondays afterschool in E-364
World Language Club
This fun club will incorporate world culture, history, cuisine, cinematography, and Japanese origami, calligraphy, and anime. All students are welcome. We will watch Japanese movies, create Japanese crafts including origami and calligraphy, celebrate Japanese holidays, and eat Japanese food. Membership is FREE, but you need to purchase a club t shirt!
Community Service Club

Mrs. McAvoy

Community Service Club is an organization created and managed by student leaders invested in giving back to the community. Whether you are seeking opportunities to serve to earn hours for another organization or just looking for a place to spend time with quality people while also doing good, all are welcome! We meet second and fourth Thursday of the month in E330.

CREW (Christians Ready, Equipped and Willing) Mr. Luke Hays

We believe that CREW is called to be a light to the students at Creekview spreading truth, hope, and love. Our goal in CREW is to help all students know that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. All Creekview students are welcome to join us! We meet in Mr. Hays’s room (C242) every Monday morning (8:00-8:25) and Monday afternoon (3:50-4:30) for fellowship, prayer, and worship. Join us for whatever time is more convenient for you. We also participate in the annual “See You at the Pole” day as well as an annual prayer walk around the school.  

Dance Club Mrs. Eddings
NHSDA (National Honor Society of Dance Arts) - The NHSDA Club is something that all enrolled Dance Department members are a part of. Each member tracks their participation points throughout their years in Dance Dept and can be officially inducted into the national organization once they have earned 30 points.
DECA Mrs. Thompson, Ms. Muzzarelli, Mr. Newton

Students who are enrolled in CTE classes eligible to join. DECA allows students to participate in competition at the District, State, and National level. Students who choose to compete learn not only about marketing, finance and business, but they also learn leadership skills, professional dress, presentation skills, self-confidence, and time management. DECA strives to prepare students to be academically prepared for both college and careers.

Meetings are held once a month after school, usually on a Wednesday. 3-4 role and exam practices after school. Compete at district in the area. If qualify then to state, (Ft. Worth, TX), then to Nationals in Nashville TN if qualified.

FCA Unsponsored
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FCA here at Creekview is a multi-sport huddle. A multi-sport huddle is a small group bible study for athletes from multiple sports teams and all whom they influence (Traditional Huddle). The goal is to present to coaches and athletes, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.
Any student, whether you are in a sport or not, is welcome to come!
French Club

Mme. Khnyzer

We will meet every other Monday from 3:50-4:30. Once a month we will have a 2 hour meeting for dinner and a movie. Our purpose is to learn more French language, culture, and food (it's all about the food). We are planning to watch French films, bring French food for potluck dinners, play traditional board games, learn songs and dances, visit French museum collections, enter competitions in Texas, create art, and make crepes! 

eSports/Gaming Club


Any gamers in the building or online? Come join us in C311 every Tuesday after school. Find the QR code, or come see ______ with questions. 

GSA (Genders and Sexualities Alliance) Ms. Cain, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Carter, Dr. Cartray
GSA welcomes everyone in the LGBTQ+ community to better understand people as a whole. We promote equality for everyone, regardless of specifications. GSA meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday every month after school
Japanese Club
The Creekview Japanese Club is a group for those interested in learning more about Japanese language and culture. Our primary goals are to add an extracurricular and social component to students in the Japanese department as well as make the culture and language available to the greater student body. We meet every Friday. Our club events and activities include:
• Watching Japanese movies
• Japanese crafts such as origami & paper sumo
• Learning about and celebrating Japanese holidays
• Japanese calligraphy writing and painting
• Tea ceremony
• Participating various kinds of event as Yosakoi dancers (Ex. An annual Japanese autumn festival)
Let's have fun together!!
Japanese NHS

The Japanese National Honor Society Pre-College Chapter (JNHS) recognizes and encourages scholastic achievement and excellence in Japanese study by working with teachers and administrators to develop and maintain high standards of Japanese language education and promoting cultural activities.
Students who are nominated for membership receive Certificates of Excellence and a cord (optional). Their schools and instructors are recognized on the AATJ website and in the AATJ Newsletter.
Academic criteria for student induction in JNHS are as follows:
The student has completed the first term of his/her second-year Japanese language course in junior high or a senior high school;
The student has maintained a 3.5 GPA in Japanese courses and an overall 3.0 GPA.
Mu Alpha Theta Deana Long
Mu Alpha Theta is an organization dedicated to promoting scholarship in mathematics and establishing math as an integral part of high school and junior college education. Mu Alpha Theta is open to high school students who have completed equivalent of two years of college preparatory mathematics, including algebra and/or geometry, and in addition have completed or are enrolled in a third year of college preparatory mathematics. These students must also have at least a 3.0 in their Math GPA.
CHS Mariachi Club

Mr. Salas

The CHS Mariachi Club meets in B100 afterschool on every Wednesday during school weeks. Students come together to play and sing traditional mariachi music as an ensemble. The goal of the CHS Mariachi Club is to perform during musical and cultural event as well work in partnership with the Folklorico Company for various performances. Our other goal is to keep the tradition of Mariachi music alive in Texas. Anyone with musical or vocal experience is invited to participate.

NHS (prereq) Mrs. J. Stevens, Mr. Maher
Students must be invited to apply during their junior or senior year and accepted into membership. The requirements to be a member include a weighted GPA of 91 or above, school and community involvement and service, evidence of leadership, and excellent character references.
Once Upon a Book Club

Mrs. T. Anderson

Once Upon A Book Club is a club for all who love books and enjoy reading. It’s a community where readers come together to share their passion for literature and engage in lively discussions about a diverse selection of books. Members have the chance to explore new genres, discover different authors, and delve into themes they might not have encountered on their own. Meetings are every other Tuesday 4:05-5:05pm and are also announced during advisory 

Poetry Club
Mrs. T. Anderson
Louder Than a Bomb (Creekview's Poetry Club)
We meet on Mondays in C311 from 3:45-4:45. We create original spoken word poetry to share around Creekview--and we compete in Dallas as well with the Louder Than a Bomb organization.
Spanish Club Mr. Monreal
We are a service club. Our goal is to do at least 1 service project a month! Our meetings are usually on Mondays right after school in C303a. Quick, short meetings where we work in some Spanish culture, talk about service projects, and have some fun.
Spanish NHS Mr. Monreal and Mrs. Gonzalez
The National Spanish Honor society is an honor society that students who earned a 91 GPA or above in Spanish classes, or who have passed the AP Language and Culture exam.
Students are not eligible until they have completed the 1st semester of Spanish 3 unless they are eligible due to the AP test.
We meet once a month, mornings and afternoons. We are a service oriented society and we choose projects yearly although a couple of elementary schools have asked us to help them with fall festivals for a number of years now. We participate in the culture-related city and district initiatives depending on dates and availability of students. We sometimes have fundraisers.
We offer other service opportunities to students throughout the year, such as help to Spanish teachers, tutoring younger students, etc.
Student Council Ms. R. Cain
Student Council (StuCo) is an organization comprised of service-minded student leaders that work to make a positive impact on the community and promote school pride. Through service projects and leadership activities, StuCo provides students an opportunity to grow individually as leaders while they work as a group to serve their school and community. Meetings occur on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month.
Table Top Role Playing Game Club

Mr. John McWilliams

In the TTRPG club, you will create a character and their back story, who along with your party members, will explore the lore rich world of Dungeons & Dragons. This club will convene Mondays in room C132 from 4:00 to 6:00

TAME (Science & Engineering Club) Mrs. Nelson
TAME is a nonprofit organization which stands for Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering. Anyone with the interest in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is more than welcome to join the club. The goal of the TAME club is to encourage the students to have fun in exploring STEM field. We will do lots of cool science activities and engineering projects that you don't normally do in your classes. Also, the students can participate in the annual TAME competition to improve their academic skills. Earning a membership of TAME ultimately benefits each student by preparing them to be ready for their future careers in the STEM field. We meet after school in Mrs. Nelson's room, E264, every second and third Friday of the month.
For more information, go to
Table Tennis Club Mrs. Nelson
Table Tennis Club’s purpose is to provide opportunities for students who are interested in playing table tennis and are willing to improve their skills! We will have weekly meetings on every Wednesday after school, except the first Wednesday of the month.
Up-Cycled Apparel Club

Ms. Nussbaumer

To teach students how to sew, design, alter, repurpose, and create clothes while benefiting our community and environment.

Mrs. Eddings
Wranglers (sometimes referred to as Spirit Wranglers) are Junior and Senior ambassadors to Creekview, representing the finest & zaniest the school has to offer. On the sideline, in the stands, throughout the school & the community, Wranglers represent the spirit and hard work of all Mustangs. This group works closely with the Varsity Cheer Squad.
Young Life Ms. Blue, Ms. Gutierrez
Open to everyone!
We meet Monday’s at 7:32 at “The Shack”, in a portable outside the church across from Rosemead Rec (1225 E Rosemeade Pkwy, Carrollton, TX 75007)
Off Campus