Band Leadership Team
Band Leadership Team Roles
The band directors appoint the student leaders of the Creekview Band after auditions, interviews and essays have been received. All students are looked upon as potential future leaders from the time they enter the band program as freshmen. These positions are all full year appointments, even though some duties listed below may refer only to Marching season.
All students appointed as leaders shall, in addition to their listed duties, strive to uphold the image and spirit of the band at all times. These appointments are to be considered an honor and a responsibility. Leaders should aid the band directors in every way possible. Please be aware that all leaders are to be available to teach or help teach at all camps for Marching and Symphonic/Concert Band. You are expected to keep the lines of communication open between each other and between students and the directors at all times.
Band Leadership Team
Leadership Responsibilities & Tasks
- Band President
- Vice President
- Drum Major
- Captains
- Drum Captain
- Woodwind/Brass Captain
- Color Guard Captain
- Section Leader
- Band Equipment Manager
- Loading Crew
- Uniform Crew
- Librarian Crew
- Bus Captain
Band President
The Band President primary function is to provide student leadership and direction to the Marching Band, Concert Band and Wind Ensemble during the year. The Band President will be responsible for organizing, communicating and leading student activities throughout the school year. He/she will also represent the music department to all school, school district and parent/community events. The successful individual will be one who is an exceptional leader and communicator who can guide a large group of band members to grow, learn and have fun. The Band President is a position of service as well as leadership. The Band President’s responsibility is to do whatever needs to be done for the students of the music program to have a successful experience.
Vice President
The Band Vice Presidents function is to serve in a close capacity to the President through out the year. Will help organize and communicate with student activities as well as represent the music department. The Band Vice President is a position of service as well as leadership. Their responsibility is to do whatever needs to be done for the student of the music program to have a successful experience.
Drum Major
Student leader of the band obtained by a try-out which is judged by the director and staff.
Jobs include:
Provide a good example for students to follow.
Maintain order while the staff are not available.
Conduct the band on the field in rehearsals and performances.
Assist Section Leaders with their duties.
Various administrative duties such as rehearsal attendance records, logs, etc...
Enforces rules and maintains order during marching rehearsals.
Conducts warm-up exercises with Band Captains at marching rehearsals.
Directs and controls the band in field rehearsals and performances.
Sets up Marching Practice Field for rehearsal. Sound system, yard line markers, etc.
Maintains "esprit de corps" within the band.
Reports any major problems to the director.
Assists the Band Captains with uniform inspections and overseeing section leaders during marching rehearsals.
Conducts and leads portions of pep rallies.
Conducts the bands in the stands at football games.
Assists the band director in all ways possible.
Helps with the organization of the annual Band Banquet along with the Band Presidents.
Qualifications for Drum Major include: proficiency on respected instrument; ability to read musical score; ability to properly warm up band; at least one year’s experience in Creekview High School Band.
Are responsible for all aspects of rehearsal and performance within their section. Captains have oversight over Section Leaders and are responsible for ensuring an effective rehearsal and performance atmosphere for all players. All captains work closely together to enhance the esprit de corps of the band. All sectionals and extra rehearsal time must be coordinated through the Captains, who will seek approval from the Band Director.
Drum, guard, brass, and woodwind Captains work closely together to enhance the esprit de corps of the band.
Drum Captain
All of the duties of section leaders, plus the following:
Directs percussion sectionals during the summer and the regular marching season.
Ensures that all percussion equipment is accounted for and stored
Helps keep percussion areas in the band room clean and organized
Oversees the loading and unloading of all percussion equipment at all band functions.
Reports any vandalism to the band director immediately.
Encourage all team members to achieve their full potential
Woodwind/Brass Captain
The basic duties of the Brass/Woodwind Captain include:
Oversee their section leaders and monitor their respective progress;
Begins warm-up when the Directors are not available
Insures that the sections locker area is clean and organized
Assist the Band Director and Equipment Manager with instrument inventory and maintenance
Helps keep the band room clean and organized
Oversees the loading and unloading of all woodwind and brass instruments at all band functions.
Makes sure that all rehearsal sites are clean before leaving.
Encourage all team members to achieve their full potential
Color Guard Captain
As a member of the Marching Band Leadership, the Guard Captain must fulfill any leadership team duties assigned by the Band Director, Color Guard Instructor, other staff members, or Drum Major(s). Guard Captain responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:
All of the duties of section leaders, plus the following:
- Assists in teaching the marching show to the Guard.
Leading Stretches and Warm-ups
Starting rehearsal if the Instructor will be late due to work commitments
Assisting the Staff identifying problem areas or concerns within the show/work
Be the "eyes & ears" between the other Guard Members and the Color Guard Instructor and Band Director - listen to your Guard when they have issues or questions and then talk with the Instructor if the situation calls for it.
Makes sure that all rehearsal sites are clean before leaving.
Is responsible for seeing that all guard equipment is put in its proper place after each rehearsal and kept in an orderly manner.
Oversees the loading and unloading of all guard equipment at all band functions.
Keeps a record of all issued equipment and its condition.
Realize that the guard is part of the band and encourage others to realize it as well.
Encourage all team members to achieve their full potential
Be an example to other members of the Color Guard
Section Leader
Section Leaders are in charge of "setting the standards of excellence" in musical and Marching execution as they "lead by example." Modeling excellence, and in motivating and encouraging their section to perform at a high level of excellence. They lead sectional rehearsals. They are responsible for disseminating information and announcements to all members in their section. They are responsible for helping to organize and maintain Band equipment. They respect every member of their section as a valued Band member. They strive to serve each section member by providing help and encouragement. Furthermore, They will complete weekly inspections, maintain field discipline, provide instruction, serve as positive role models, and assist the drum majors as needed.
Jobs include:
Provide a good example for students to follow.
Responsible for checking other students of his/her section for proper music, uniform and equipment.
Instruct and answer questions pertaining to the music and marching.
Follow through with any instructions the director may provide for the band.
Conduct sectionals when directors or instructors are not available. (All sectionals must be pre-approved by the directors.)
Check for locker violations on a regular basis
The success of the Creekview High School Band is directly related to the effectiveness and commitment of the student leaders, and their ability to inspire hard work and lead their peers to excellence. All of the finest equipment, all of the hours of planning, all of the creative ideas, hard work, investment of time, and all of the best wishes of our supporters have very little meaning if our Seniors and leaders fail to inspire quality performance. Even more important than their ability to perform is the ability of our leaders to set a good example as human beings and to encourage others to follow their lead.
Please understand your important role within the Band organization and strive to fulfill it to the best of your ability.
Band Equipment Manager
The primary role of the Equipment Manager is to work with the directors and be responsible for all instruments and equipment owned by the band. In addition he/she is responsible for all field equipment/props necessary for all rehearsals such as the drum major ladder, yard markers, sound equipment and etc. The Equipment Manager is also responsible for loading and unloading equipment when the band travels.
Specific Responsibilities
Assist the directors with the distribution and collection of all school owned instruments, mouthpieces, mutes, and lockers
Assist the director and Captains with periodic and random locker inspections
Assist the directors with maintaining an accurate band inventory
Assist the Stage Manager to tighten all music stands on a weekly basis
Head up two instrument cleaning days (one each semester) and work with section leaders to make sure all instrument are cleaned with swabs, valve slides greased, piston/rotary valves oiled, cork greased and keys oiled as required on each instrument.
Ensure that all cases are stenciled with CREEKVIEW BAND and numbered and matched with the correct instrument
Report any needed repairs of school owned instruments to the director. Students should bring all repair needs to the Equipment Manager
Organize, supervise, and implement loading procedures for all trips. Keep an accurate log of ALL school owned equipment that will be taken by the band
Assist Captains to ensure that all band equipment is brought back to CHS and properly stored
Organize the loading crew and supervise the actual loading of the equipment truck
Serve on the stage crew for all band concert
Loading Crew
Student in charge of loading equipment in our travel trucks and securing water for rehearsals, appointed by the director.
Jobs include:
Provide a good example for students to follow.
Maintain and organize the process for loading equipment efficiently and collaboratively.
Create a plan of action for securing enough water for hot days and all rehearsals outdoors.
Work with the band captains and band equipment managers to secure all loading and duties
Marching Season:
Collect lists from section leaders (especially sousaphones), Drum Captains and Guard Captains of what is to be loaded.
Load and unload all equipment and uniform carts for performances throughout the year.
Check to be sure that everything is tied down securely before truck is locked.
Check with band directors to ensure that all equipment is loaded.
Arrive at all marching performances 30 minutes before reporting time to unload all equipment in an orderly and safe manner.
Change into uniform after all cases are put back on the truck before performance.
Leave the stands early to change out of uniform and get cases out and ready to load.
Unload equipment at school after performance and clean out truck for return to rental company.
Secure water needs for all rehearsals scheduled in the fall.
Concert Season:
Setup and take down all equipment for all Symphonic/Concert Band performances (local and out of town).
Change set between bands on stage for all concerts on campus
Load/unload truck for all Symphonic/Concert Band performances as needed and acquire loading lists for each band
Uniform Crew
Work closely with Band Parent Booster Uniform Volunteers.
Sort and match all uniform pieces numerically
Establish assistance to band members with uniform needs
Check out/in uniforms at performance events
Ensure that students have place uniform parts properly on hangers
Label shako box shelves and garment bags with student name labels
Ensures that the uniform locker area is clean and organized
Assist parents with issuing of marching uniforms prior to Band Camp.
Record assignments in computer data base
Assist the Band Director with the dry cleaning of marching uniforms. Sort and hang after cleaning.
Assist Band Librarians.
Librarian Crew
Student in charge of music and information dispersal, appointed by the director.
Jobs include:
Provide a good example for students to follow.
Maintain and organize all music in the library.
Handout, take up and make copies of all music distributed to students.
Keep music updated in data base.
Make up marching folders with music for all sections during the summer.
Bus Captain
Appointed by the Band Captains and or Chaperones with approval of the band director for a specific trip.
Maintains order on all bus trips.
Takes roll each time buses are loaded.
Informs chaperones of any problems.
Checks bus at the end of trip for leftover articles and brings them to lost-and-found in band room.
Makes sure bus is clean by picking up trash and depositing in trash bag.
Assists the chaperones in every way possible.
Qualifications include: one year's experience in Creekview Band & member of the Band Leadership Team.
Leadership Tasks
Music Inspection
Equipment Inspection
Prior to each performance the section leader will view the following items from each member:
- Music Lyre and flip folder (Football Games & Pep Rally's)
- All uniform parts including Under Armor Gear
- UNDERARMOUR (under uniform)
- Black, short sleeved Under Armor or similar moisture wicking fabric.
- Black shorts, Under Armor made of a fabric that does not bunch up under the band uniform such as spandex or a thin polyester
- Long solid black athletic socks (must be fully above the ankles)
- Designated black band shoes (MTX)
- All Under Armor Garments
- Shako
- Band pants BIBBERS
- Band jacket
- Gauntlets
- Hair up neatly so it does not protrude under the shako
- Plumes (passed out/in by Boosters)
- Gloves (passed out/in by Boosters
- Working condition of instruments
- UNDERARMOUR (under uniform)
Instrument Inspection
Prior to each performance the section leader will view each member’s instrument. Brass instruments should be polished and uniformly clean. All other sections should be viewed for component parts, i.e. reeds, ligatures, etc... At the conclusion of your inspection you will record students not meeting inspection. Turn inspection sheet in to the Captains.
How to do all this?
Assign a specific place to inspect your section.
Allow plenty of time for the inspections.
Uniform related should be sent to the Vice President of Uniforms
Others should be sent to band director.
Marching Related
Study and know the drill for your area of the field.
Have all chart related equipment at each rehearsal.
Be an EXCELLENT marcher and EXAMPLE setter!
Create and place section posters in the band hall.
Assist the Drill Instructors in maintaining field discipline.
Be alert for instructions at all time in all venues.