School Code: creekviewhsband
Password: yourstudentID

Quick Reference

  1. Log in
  2. Update all your contact information
  3. Review all finances and Band Fees
  4. Make payments on CHARMS (PayPal)
  5. Record & Submit music assignments to directors

Contact Information Required
Creekview Band
CHARMS Office Assistant

Hello Everyone! In order to better serve you and communicate to you via emai/phone or postal mail, we require that you enter charms office assistant and update/verify your contact information.

This is required for our students/parents as we begin Summer Band in order to help guide you through our CHARMS database system for FINANCES and communication between the program and our families!

What to do:

  1. Go to CHARMS

  2. Enter School Code: creekviewhsband

  3. Enter Student ID & Passowrd (case sensitive)

    1. If this is your first time to log in – your password is your STUDENT ID

    2. If you have forgotten your password email and I will reset your password to your student ID.

  4. Once you enter CHARMS

    1. It will prompt you to change your password – be sure to remember and write in a safe place. Charms will be valuable for finances, communication and recording assignments.

  5. Select Personal Information (update contact)

    1. Confirm existing database contact information

      1. Requirement - Update your email, phone numbers, address, various fields

    2. Add New Adult

      1. Please add yourself as parents

      2. Enter in your email, phone, address, volunteer

  6. Prompt to Save

    1. You will need to hit the green Save button periodically as you are entering information. It will not auto-save for you.

  7. Do a final review that all your information is up-to-date on CHARMS to help me communicate with you better!