High School Ensembles
Creekview Courses
- Wind Symphony - DOUBLE BLOCK CLASS*
- Symphonic Band
- Concert Band
- Drumline / Percussion - DOUBLE BLOCK CLASS**
- Colorguard /Winterguard
- Jazz Ensemble
- Student Aid/Independent Study
The Wind Symphony is the premier concert band at Creekview High School. Its select mission is to provide instrumentalists of advanced technical proficiency a pre-professional ensemble experience. With an emphasis on preparing music for All Region Auditions, Solo and Ensemble Contest, as well as the rich tradition of wind band music, full orchestra and musical pit orchestra compositions. The objectives of the Wind Symphony are to rehearse and perform repertoire of the highest caliber, encompassing the broadest possible spectrum of styles; to develop a high degree of refinement and independence in students' ability to communicate musically in both chamber and larger ensemble settings that will serve as the foundation for students' ability to realize their musical aspirations. ALL Wind Symphony students are required to participate in Marching Band and All Region Auditions, Solo and Ensemble and be enrolled in Private Lessons. Some students will be selected to perform in the Musical orchestra and in Full Orchestra.
Membership in the Wind Ensemble is determined by audition each semester. Audition music and schedule information is available in November and April in order to build in time to prepare. *All Students in the Wind Symphony (Varsity Band) must be double blocked.
Symphonic Band
The Symphonic Band is the second concert band at Creekview High School. Its mission is to provide instrumentalists with opportunities to practice advanced skills and develop proficiency in order to advance into a higher ensemble. The Symphonic band will have emphasis on preparing music for All Region Auditions, Solo and Ensemble Contest, marching band as well as the rich tradition of wind band music. The objectives of the Symphonic Band is to rehearse and perform repertoire that will further build on their skills and help grow apply their talent through solo and ensemble, individual practice, and all region auditions. Symphonic Band students are required to participate in Marching Band and All Region Auditions, Solo and Ensemble. These students are highly encouraged to be enrolled in Private Lessons - this will greatly help in accelerating growth, comprehension and performance ability
Membership in the Symphonic Band is determined by audition each semester. Audition music and schedule information is available in November and April in order to build in time to prepare.
Concert Band
The Concert Band is the Third concert band at Creekview High School. Its mission is to provide instrumentalists with opportunities to develop ensemble skills and develop individual proficiency in order to advance into a higher ensemble. The concert band will have emphasis on preparing music for Solo and Ensemble Contest, marching band as well as the rich tradition of wind band music. The objectives of the Concert Band is to rehearse and perform repertoire that will further build on their skills and help grow apply their talent through solo and ensemble, individual practice, and a concert performances. Concert Band students are required to participate in Marching Band and Solo and Ensemble. These students are highly encouraged to be enrolled in Private Lessons - this will greatly help in accelerating growth, comprehension and performance ability
Membership in the Concert Band is determined by audition each semester. Audition music and schedule information is available in November and April in order to build in time to prepare.
Drumline / Percussion - DOUBLE BLOCK CLASS**
The Percussion students represent one of our most visible groups at Creekview High School. Its select mission is to provide . With an emphasis on preparing music for Drumline Competition, Percussion Cluster Concerts, All Region Auditions, Solo and Ensemble Contest, as well as the rich tradition of wind band music, full orchestra and musical pit orchestra compositions. The objectives of the Percussion department are to rehearse and perform repertoire of the highest caliber, encompassing the broadest possible spectrum of styles; to develop a high degree of refinement and independence in students' ability to communicate musically in both small and larger ensemble settings that will serve as the foundation for students' ability to realize their musical aspirations. ALL Percussion students are required to participate in Marching Band and All Region Auditions, Solo and Ensemble and be enrolled in Private Lessons. Some students will be selected to perform in the Musical orchestra and in Full Orchestra.
Placement in the Concert Ensembles is determined by audition each semester. Audition music and schedule information is available in November and April in order to build in time to prepare. *All Students in Percussion (Drumline or Front Ensemble) must be double blocked.
Colorguard /Winterguard
The Colorguard is one of the most visible components of the marching band in the fall semester. These students learn about dance, choreography, use of equipment such as the flag, rifle and sabre among various other props to convey artistry and general effect on the field and show production. In the spring semester, our guard members participate in Winterguard - during this time, they will prepare a full indoors program show with custom floor, flags, costumes, music and dance/choreography work led by our guard director - they participate in the NTCA and WGI competition circuits and develop critical skill that can then be applied to the upcoming fall semester marching band show. Membership into our guard program is through audition and director approval.
Jazz Ensemble
The Varsity Jazz ensemble provides our students with an opportunity to further develop their musical skills through the lens of Jazz Music. In this ensemble, we focus on All Region Jazz audition etudes, learn music for any gig opportunities as they arise - we also perform at various CFB community events and participate in Jazz Festivals, contests and competitions in the spring semester. Additionally - the Jazz Ensemble at Creekview also holds an annual Spring Swing Dance fundraiser - open to the public to present and promote the great musicians of the CHS Jazz band. Membership is through auditions and director approval.
Student Aid/Independent Study
Students can elect to sign up as an Aid during any of the ensemble classes in addition to their assigned band class in order to pursue independent study and practice towards solo and ensemble, college auditions and all region/ all state auditions. Confirmation and approval from the director is required for this course.