

The Creekview choral department has a rich tradition of excellence and high achievement.   We combine high expectations with community to create a joyful, successful experience for every singer in our choir program.  Creekview choir is proud to offer award winning choirs for singers of all abilities where we work on personal growth as well as ensemble singing.  Members of the Creekview Choir Department are well rounded, dedicated individuals who are also actively involved in theatre, band, orchestra, dance, athletics and are enrolled in Pre-AP and AP courses.

24-25 All-State Music


Choral music is not one of life’s frills. It’s something that goes to the very heart of our humanity, our sense of community, and our souls. You express, when you sing, your soul in song. And when you get together with a group of other singers, it becomes more than the sum of the parts. All of those people are pouring out their hearts and souls in perfect harmony, which is kind of an emblem for what we need in this world, when so much of the world is at odds with itself...that just to express in symbolic terms, what it’s like when human beings are in harmony. That’s a lesson for our times and for all time.

John rutter, from "The importance of choir"

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